Friday, September 26, 2014

Elements of a Simple Plot Exercise

Today we discussed the elements of a simple plot; from exposition, rising action, climax, falling action to the  resolution.  We discussed the pattern evident in the fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk. Then we watched two short animated films: The Colors of Evil and La Luna.  We used a digital plot diagram creator to decipher the stories.  Here is a link: Plot Diagram Generator

Now it's time to apply our knowledge to our animal origin project.  Take some time this weekend to brainstorm an idea for your origin story.  Choose a specific physical characteristic that your animal displays.  Now think of a creative story to describe how that animal attained this characteristic.  You may use the plot diagram generator to outline the path of your story from problem (exposition) to the resolution when the animal "earns" its characteristic.  You will be be drafting the 2 and a half minute story next week.  Just brainstorm the plot as a prewriting activity this weekend.
Good Luck