Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Animal Research has begun...

Today we began researching our animals online via pre-approved websites.  The sites and instructions are available in your email accounts.  Below is a copy of that email communication.

In your thought books, I'd like you to brainstorm some ideas about your animal adaptation origination story. Research your animal using the approved animal fact sites attached below.  Record your drafts in your Thought books.  You will use this information in a later assignment.
Follow these steps:
  1. Choose an animal with a distinct or interesting characteristic.
  2. Explain your animal's interesting characteristic and how it is used
  3. Find and list at least five interesting facts about your animal.
  4. What does your animal eat?
  5. Where does it live?
  6. Try to find information about how this animal has evolved and how the characteristic has helped the animal survive.
  7. Begin to brainstorm a fictional story about how the animal attained its characteristic.

Science Kids Animal Facts