Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Mini Project: Literary Device Game Creation Begins

Literary Devices Game

Now that we have collected, studied and mastered the first 33 Literary Devices, we are prepared to use them in creative ways.  Not only can we identify them in reading, we will now be able to use them to enhance our own writing.  In order display our mastery of these devices, we will be developing new and interesting ways to demonstrate our knowledge to others.  Our goal is to create a Literary Devices Game that will reinforce our knowledge of the terms.  You may use this guide to help develop you Literary device Game ideas.  

Brainstorm an idea for a game:
You may base your game on an existing card game, board game, or video game.  You may also create your own new idea.  You may use all 33 terms or you can focus your game on just one (or a few).  The game should incorporate multiple players.  The game cycle should be playable from start to finish in about 20 minutes or less including set up.  You can make the game expandable with future updates to incorporate additional literary devices.

Literary Device Game Instruction Guide:
Create a Google Presentation as a digital instruction guide to accompany your literary device game.  Here is a suggested outline for your presentation.  As you create your presentation, please be mindful of the writer’s process, the six traits of writing and literary devices.  remember, you are writing these instructions for an audience.  You want them to “WANT” to play your game.  Use exciting yet informative language to entice them to play while you explain the game. 
Please share your presentation slides with your other group members and me.

Slide One
Game Title Page:
Create a “catchy and creative” game title.  A catchy title helps in enticing others to play the game.  Your title can have a subtitle, a slogan, symbol or other creative element.

Include the creator names on this title slide.

Slide Two
Object of the Game: 
Explain the concept or goal of the game. What is the ultimate challenge? How does a player win or lose the game?

Slide Three
Instructions for Play:
List and explain all objects/items in the game thoroughly. It is important to explicitly explain each object and its purpose.  Some points to consider:
Number of Players
How to begin/Set-Up
How to score
How to advance
How to take turns
How to win

Slide Four
Special Rules/Scenarios
Carefully explain any special rules/circumstances to avoid confusing the players.  You may need to play it through a few times to anticipate the special circumstances.

Slide Five
Mock Up
Include an image of the final cards, boards etc. and diagram the important parts.  Include examples for gameplay.

Schedule for Literary Device Game Development:
Brainstorm Ideas: Tuesday 1/13 and Wednesday 1/14
Game Production and Presentation Creation: Thursday 1/15- Tuesday 1/20
Final Presentation Wednesday 1/21