Monday, October 20, 2014

Science Fair Update: 3 Resources and Citation Generators

Today we continued to gather our resources with Mrs. Biggs in LRC.  Remember, you will be gathering resources to help you

  1. understand the science behind your project
  2. define your problem or question
  3. identify how your project/experiment impacts the world
  4. support your scientific findings
Your three resources can be a website, magazine or newspaper article, scholarly journal, book, encyclopedia or other written form.

Here are some links to two different citation generators that will help you create your bibliography.

Once you have your bibliography created,  you can publish it in one of two ways.

  1. For experimental projects:  Print out a copy of your bibliography and bring it to school.
  2. For design project engineers: Create a digital copy of your bibliography and attach it to the end of your design template on a newly created "Bibliography" slide.
This assignment is now due WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22ND.