Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Fear Fest Draft Creation

Today we began creating our first drafts for the upcoming Fear Fest performance (October 31st, details to come).  Students have investigated examples of "good writing" from established authors.  We have studied story elements and plot development.  We have extrapolated the six traits of writing and have identified those traits in authentic literature.  The young authors of 217 have also brainstormed their initial ideas and chosen their focus for the final Fear Fest Idea.  There is still grey matter on the walls from our fierce brainstorm session.

Now, we are putting it all together to create our first draft of the scripts, songs, poems and stories.  They are working in small groups and individually.  Rough drafts are due this Friday.  Work can continue at home via Google Drive or in notebooks.

The initial stories are truly creepy.  They are also full of great writing traits and story elements.  Stay tuned for the fright of your life.