Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Animal Rights: The Great Debate

Over the weekend we read some thought-provoking articles about animal rights.  There are some deep and often disturbing issues that surface when investigating animal rights.  There are compelling arguments for both sides of the issue. Some thoughts you may agree with, and some you may disagree with.  Now it is time to pick a side.  Since the point of this exercise is to understand persuasive writing and debate tactics, your side will be chosen for you.  In order to thoroughly understand a topic, you may have to understand views that oppose your own personal views. Attorneys do this often.
Today you will be split into two teams: Pro and Con.  Once your side has been determined you must defend your thesis using a persuasive essay.  In order to do this effectively remember to utilize the writer's process, the six traits of writing, and your knowledge of ethos, pathos, logos and OREOS.

Create a 5 paragraph essay in defense of your thesis.  You may use the persuasive outline here:
http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/persuasion_map/ to help structure your essay. Do some research using the articles provided for you and any other valid resource that you may find.  The essay will be due this Friday.

This essay will help you prepare to be a productive member of your team during a Lincoln-Douglas Style classroom debate (date TBD).  More on that coming soon...

FORESHADOWING: Animal Rights will play a major ROLE in the upcoming project to end all projects!