Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Persuasive writing exercise... homework

Today we began our work with persuasive writing.  We started by discussing our basic third grade persuasive outline.  In fourth grade, the goal is to build on these skills and enhance them using:
1.  The Writer's Process
2. The Six traits of Wrting
3. The Elements of persuasive writing (logos, pathos, ethos and kairos).

Tonight's homework is to write a persuasive piece, convincing Mr. Crame to tell you what the next project topic is.  You may use this link to a persuasive map to help outline your argument:
You may also create a google document to record your thoughts.  This is basic draft for practice.  However, it will be used for our lessons tomorrow.
Spend about thirty minutes on this topic.
Good Luck,
Mr. Crame