Saturday, November 22, 2014

Link your RIT score to Khan Academy Activities

How to Use
1. Use MAP reports to find the RIT scores for a given sub-goal.
2. In this document, locate that same goal, approximate RIT range, and sub-goals.
3. To choose appropriate Khan Academy exercises:
a. Consider both the name of the exercise and the CCSS standard.
b. Click the link and try the exercise yourself.
Note: When you’re in Khan Academy, the links to videos and other resources add
context to the actual exercise but are not necessarily correlated to MAP.
4. In the browser window where the exercise opened, note or copy the Web address URL.
5. Optionally deliver exercises to students. For example:
• Paste the URL into an online document for students to access.
• Present the exercise in the classroom.
• Use for parent-teacher conference discussion.